About me, myself and I

You may have guessed, I'm not actually a doctor. I'm a gamer, a lifehacker.. well, I'm a lot of things.. Just not a doctor. Yet.


Gender Male Identifying as he/him
Month/Year of birth February '91
Height 6'3" (190.5cm)
Weight 97Kg (Including steel-capped workboots and clothes)
Hair Colour Brown


Employer Devine Intelligence LTD Position Cheif Executive Officer
Employer B&M European Value Retail S.A. Position Warehouse Operative


My hobbies include (but are not limited to) Computer gaming\repair\building and decommissioning, Cooking, Cycling, listening to music, reading and D.I.Y. When it comes to my computers, I'm proud of what I have, what it does, how I got it and how well it works (considdering some of it's age).